Is There a Hidden Ocean Beneath the Earth? (The Drew Mariani Show)

Hidden Oceans and Noah’s Flood: Is Science Catching Up to Scripture?

On The Drew Mariani Show, Drew had a really interesting conversation with Dr. John Bergsma about something straight out of sci-fi, but it’s real! Scientists have found evidence of a massive ocean beneath the Earth’s surface. We’re talking about a reservoir that could hold three times the amount of water as all our surface oceans combined. 😲 Yeah, that’s a LOT of water under our feet!

Check out the extended conversation version here.

Dr. Bergsma and Drew talked about the possibility that this underground water could be linked to the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible. You know that line from Genesis 7:11, where it says, “the fountains of the great deep burst forth”? 💦 Turns out, that description might not just be poetic. This vast water source could have surged up during the flood, just like Scripture says! 🌊

Drew and Dr. Bergsma discussed ancient flood stories from around the world: 200+ cultures have them! Could it all be from one big global event? 🛶🌎 There’s even evidence of other massive floods in Earth’s history that align with this. Plus, you’ll hear about discoveries like ringwoodite, a mineral deep in the Earth’s crust that holds huge amounts of water.

Oh, and get this: North America is covered with flood-deposited rockmiles thick! Could that be evidence of Noah’s flood too? Dr. Bergsma thinks it’s worth keeping an open mind.

Could science finally be confirming what believers have known for centuries?

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.