The Patrick Madrid Show: November 06, 2024 – Hour 1

A caller, Will, questions the challenges of raising a child conceived through rape. Patrick emphasizes the sanctity of life and the importance of choosing adoption over abortion, even in heart-wrenching circumstances. He also highlights the consistency of valuing life at all stages. This hour focuses on making sacrifices for a higher good and the moral imperative to protect the innocent.


  • Nancy (email) – When we die, are we aware that we are dead? (02:53)
  • John (email) – My so-called conservative state of Missouri passed a no-holds barred baby killing constitutional amendment. Hell is going to be “standing room only” (13:21)
  • Email – Since Baptism washes away Original Sin, if a baby dies before he or she is baptized, can the baby go to Heaven? (17:21)
  • Will – Why do you care about what a woman does with her body? Especially if it’s through incest or something is wrong with the child? (27:16)
  • Nick – Rape and abortion issue: Steve Jobs existence was an unplanned pregnancy, and his dad left the family. Without him we wouldn’t have the computers we have today. (43:42)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.