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40 Daily Videos Sent to Your Inbox — Sign Up Now!

This Lent, learn more about the faith, so you live it, love it, and never leave it!

In this FREE video series, Father Rocky takes you through the seven sacraments, from Baptism to the Anointing of the Sick. Get behind-the-scenes insights and little-known secrets you can only find here!

These short video lessons are sent to your inbox each day of Lent – starting on March 5th – and are guaranteed to make your 2025 Lent better than ever. Sign up for FREE!

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    Fascinating facts about the Sacraments that you won’t find anywhere else this Lent.

  • Available anytime, anywhere.

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  • Grow in faith, and closer to Jesus!

    Deepen your faith this Lent with lessons on the Sacraments during this Jubilee Year of Hope.

What if I told you there are seven ways you can feel more consistently joyful and at peace – no matter what else is going on in your life? I bet you'd be curious to know what they are!

The secret to flipping the switch from dark to light in your soul is found in the Sacraments, and I can't wait to share with you all about them in my brand new video series: Lenten Lessons on the Sacraments.

This series is 100% FREE, delivered right to your inbox each day of Lent, and designed to help you learn more about your faith so you can live it, love it, and never leave it!

Fr Rocky Signature
Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD
Chairman and CEO of Relevant Radio