On Sunday, January 14th, thousands of people will gather at the March for Life Chicago to celebrate the sanctity of all life and call for an end to abortion. The event will take place at Chicago’s Federal Plaza, and is expected to draw an estimated 6,000 people.
The March for Life Chicago will take place from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 14th, and Relevant Radio®’s own Sheila Liaugminas will serve as the MC. She recently said of the March:
“It’s not only growing, it’s growing younger and it’s growing more joyful. That’s one thing that people who have not been to a March or have only seen it on TV may not realize – how very young they are, and how they cross all generations. It’s burgeoning every year with more and more young people. And how incredibly joyful they are!”
The theme of this year’s March is ‘Love Saves Lives,’ and Sheila recently told the team on Morning Air® why the pro-life movement is a movement of love.
“We’re the movement giving women a choice,” she said. “We’re giving them the option of adoption, of medical care, financial care, spiritual care, material care. That’s what crisis pregnancy centers do. We offer help. The abortion industry basically offers one choice.”
In addition to marching through the streets of Chicago, attendees will also have the chance to hear speeches from local pro-life leaders. This year’s speakers include Ramona Trevino, a former Planned Parenthood Director and author of Redeemed by Grace, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Bishop Donald J. Hying of the Diocese of Gary, Indiana, and Pat McCaskey, co-owner of the Chicago Bears.
You can find out more about the March for Life Chicago at their website or by viewing the video below:
Also on Sunday, prior to the March for Life Chicago, Aid for Women will host a Mass & Brunch at the Union League of Chicago. Rev. Francis Hoffman “Father Rocky”, Executive Director of Relevant Radio will celebrate Mass at 10:00 a.m. and brunch will follow. The keynote speaker at the brunch will be Gloria Purvis, host of Morning Glory on EWTN Radio. More information and tickets can be found here.