Relevant Radio statement on abuse scandal and Abp. Vigano testimony

August 26, 2018

Dear Listeners and Supporters of Relevant Radio:

Jesus said, “I am with you always, even until the end of the world.” He also said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” With confidence in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this is no time to be afraid. This is the moment for each of us to make our best effort to be holy, faithful, and rejoice in the Lord.

In the wake of the personal Testimonial of Archbishop Vigano about the McCarrick scandal, the ordinary faithful wonder how we should react. We should react as the apostles did after Jesus ascended into heaven: we should rush to the ‘upper room’ to be next to Mary, the Mother of the Church.

Time will tell whether or not what +Vigano has declared is true, but if it is, the Christian Faithful have received an answer to their urgent questions: who knew what, when, and what did they try to do about it.

Now it is up to the Holy Father and the members of the hierarchy, supported by the prayer and fasting of the faithful all over the world, to address these issues and remedy the situation, always putting the welfare of the victims in the first place, while honestly and boldly confronting the moral issues of honesty, poverty and chastity in the exercise of their office. Secrecy and cover-ups only make matters worse, no matter how well-intentioned. This is the moment for each of us to be humble.

It is not Relevant Radio’s place to call for the resignations of the members of the hierarchy in the middle of a crisis; when a car is veering off the road heading for a cliff, the driver needs to stay put and steer the car back on to the road.   It is only with full truthfulness, and fidelity to the timeless truths of the Catholic faith, that our shepherds will be able to lead the flock.

This is a time for all of us to pray more to the Mother of God, and the Mother of the Church.   Please stay tuned to Relevant Radio throughout the week for calm, unbiased, truthful coverage of this story. Also, please be sure to join us daily at 3pm CT for the The Divine Mercy Chaplet live with Drew Mariani, and at 7:00 pm CT for the Family Rosary Across America live with Fr. Dave Heney and Karen Moran. We can gather together in common prayer like the first Apostles and the Holy Women “with one mind and one heart.”

I hope to speak tomorrow on Morning Air at 7:00 AM CT with John Harper about this issue.

God bless you and thank you for your prayers and support.

For this we pray, and may God grant us this grace.


Rev. Francis J. Hoffman
Executive Director/CEO


Lindsey is a wife, mother, and contributing author at Relevant Radio. She holds a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lindsey enjoys writing, baking, and liturgical living with her young family.