Living out your faith in the workspace

Many of us Catholics have secular places of employment, and spend our days with people of all different beliefs and faith backgrounds. Do you proudly live your Catholic Faith in the workplace, or do you feel more comfortable keeping it out of conversations from 9-5?

Br. Greg Cellini O.S.F. has experience with this after thirty years in the corporate world. He answered a calling to religious life and is now a Franciscan Advisor at St. Francis College in Brooklyn Heights, New York. He shared his experience in the workplace and how we can live out our faith at work.

“When you were in the corporate world, when I walked by your desk, your cubicle, would I know you were Catholic?” asked John Harper, host of Morning Air® on Relevant Radio®.

“Not me, certainly, sorry to say. I was all about promotions and status and office space, and all those trappings of the corporate world,” responded Br. Greg.

“For several years of those thirty years, I went down that slippery slope. I got trapped in those things which I thought was going to bring happiness and success—things like promotions, things like money, things like cars, things like power. And I found out the hard way, John, that these all led me to a deep, dark, long road. And thank God that I found the light and found it was prayer and found out it was love and humility that was going to win the day.”

How can we bring faith into the workplace without being overbearing? “One of our brothers … uses the phrase, include don’t intrude. So, what I would like to do when I was back in the corporate world, on a Tuesday night go to this beautiful Holy Hour at a church in Garfield, New Jersey. And I would invite someone who I thought might be interested or someone who I felt might need a little hour of quiet and contemplation.”

“But more than that, what I learned the hard way, John—it’s really about modeling. Modeling love, modeling Christ’s love in the workplace. And when one does that, we speak so much more with our actions than we do with our words. So I tried very carefully, naturally, as I was going through my conversion I was very very passionate that I had now found a beautiful path to the Lord. But I needed to be careful not to be overzealous. But by trying to model love, by bringing it to the workplace, by trying to include and not intrude, these were ways that I learned to very gently try to spread the faith and evangelize.”

Listen to the full conversation here.

Lindsey is a wife, mother, and contributing author at Relevant Radio. She holds a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lindsey enjoys writing, baking, and liturgical living with her young family.