Prayer is the foundation of all that we do at Relevant Radio®. Since our mission is to bridge the gap between faith and everyday life, it is necessary that prayer be an essential part of our associates’ everyday lives. In addition to the prayers you hear on the air, behind the scenes the Relevant Radio associates pray for our mission and for the intentions of our listeners each day. This includes communal prayer, such as daily Mass and Rosary, and personal prayer during individual holy hours of adoration.
As an apostolate assisting the Church in the New Evangelization, it is an honor and a blessing to have a chapel in our Green Bay and Sacramento offices in which the Blessed Sacrament is present. Just as the first apostles were able to evangelize the world because they had spent years in the presence of Jesus, so our show hosts and associates are able to evangelize the world through media because they spend time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
You may have seen our Green Bay chapel, the Chapel of the Nativity, through our broadcast of daily Mass on Facebook Live. It is a beautiful home for Our Lord, and a sacred space where associates (and Facebook followers) can step away from the demands of the world to spend time in prayer and worship. However, it has been a long road for the Sacramento office to have a space comparable to the Chapel of the Nativity.
About 10 years ago,when the stations on the west coast were operating as Immaculate Heart Radio, the headquarters were located in a 100-year-old house just outside Sacramento, CA. Despite tight quarters, a makeshift chapel area was designated where associates would gather daily to pray the Rosary. However, the space was not ideal. The chapel area was located in the attic, and during monthly Mass a priest would often have to position himself under a skylight just to stand up straight!
In 2010, Immaculate Heart Radio moved to a larger office with a larger chapel space. Not only were priests now able to stand without hitting their heads, but Bishop Jaime Soto granted permission to install a tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament could be reposed. Over the years, efforts were made to make the chapel look less like an office and more like the sacred space that it was. A carpet and pews were donated to the chapel, and statues and sacred music were acquired to make the space conducive to prayer and reflection. After the merger of Relevant Radio and Immaculate Heart Radio, the Relevant Radio leadership team determined that renovating the Sacramento chapel should be a priority. Jesus, present in the Eucharist, keeps Relevant Radio on the air, and His home in our Sacramento office now shows all who enter that prayer is the most important work that takes place at Relevant Radio.
The chapel renovation was completed on January 2, 2019. This was 22 years to the day that the first Immaculate Heart Radio station went on the air. That first station is named KIHM (K–Immaculate-Heart of-Mary) and the chapel is aptly named the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel.
Mass is celebrated weekly in the chapel, and associates and volunteers gather daily to pray the Rosary together. Associates at the Green Bay headquarters alternate spending time in adoration weekdays until 5:00 p.m. Central time. At that point, associates in Sacramento take over until 5:00 p.m. Pacific time. This means that there is someone praying in the presence of Our Lord whenever Relevant Radio is live on the air. If you would like us to pray for your intentions during Mass, Rosary, or adoration, please feel free to submit a prayer request through our web site. It is an honor to pray for our listeners, and we hope you keep Relevant Radio in your prayers as well!