With public Masses cancelled in dioceses across the country, many Catholics are heartbroken that they cannot attend Mass and receive the Eucharist. But the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is still taking place, and while you cannot be present physically, there are ways for you and your family to participate! Our priests are still celebrating the Mass, and you can make a spiritual communion to unite yourself to the Eucharist each day.
Here at Relevant Radio®, our mission is to bring Christ to the world through media. And in this time when many of the sacraments are not available to the public, we are using the media to bring Christ to the quarantined.
For years, we have made daily and Sunday Mass available through our live stream on Facebook. Thousands of people participate each week, and it has been a particular solace to the sick and homebound throughout the years. Now that we are all homebound, we have expanded our Mass offerings and made them available on our web site and on the Relevant Radio App.
Daily Mass from the Chapel of the Nativity at our Green Bay headquarters is streamed each day at 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT. To participate, tune-in to your local station or go to RelevantRadio.com, the Relevant Radio App, or the Father Rocky Facebook page. The Mass will also be rebroadcast each evening at 8:30pm ET /5:30pm PT.
Yesterday, many families were unable to go to church, but they still participated in the liturgy through our Live stream of the Mass! The Christoffel family (pictured below) was one of many who expressed their gratitude that they could still participate in Sunday Mass, despite being unable to leave home.
Though the laity are unable to physically receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, many graces can be obtained by making a spiritual communion while we are unable to attend Mass. A prayer of spiritual communion can be prayed as follows, and can also be found at our Mass Page:
I wish my Lord to receive You with the purity, humility, and devotion with which Your most Holy Mother received You, with the spirit and fervor of the Saints.
You can access our stream of the Mass anytime at our Mass Page and on the Relevant Radio App. If you are interested in having the Mass broadcast on your television screen rather than your mobile device, there are a number of ways to do so:
- Make sure your phone and Chromecast are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
- Open the Google Home app.
- Tap the Chromecast device you want to mirror your phone to.
- Tap ‘Cast my Screen’
Apple AirPlay
- Connect your iOS device to the same Wi-Fi network as your Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV.
- Find the Mass you want to air at RelevantRadio.com or on the Relevant Radio App.
- Tap , or in some third-party apps, you might need to tap a different icon first.
- Choose your Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV.
Amazon Firestick
- Using your Firestick, go to the Amazon Silk browser
- Go to RelevantRadio.com
- Click ‘Daily Mass’ under the Faith tab
In addition to daily and Sunday Mass, there are a number of ways you can pray along with us during this unprecedented time. Check out this article for more opportunities. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us!