On Thursday Pope Francis led a global recitation of the Rosary, so that people from around the world could unite spiritually and pray for an end to COVID-19. And Relevant Radio® is currently praying a special Rosary novena during the Family Rosary Across America® for the same intention. Throughout the centuries, people have turned to the Rosary during times of trial. But why is that?
Fr. Carl Pieber, International Director of the Miraculous Medal Association, has witnessed many instances in which the Rosary has made a real difference, and he stopped by Morning Air® to discuss the power of the Rosary.
Fr. Pieber began the conversation by posing the question, “Why the Rosary? Why has this prayer been so effective, powerful, popular, and come down through the ages?”
He answered, “Because it is the only prayer in the Church that takes Scripture, dogma, our belief, the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Mary all in one great prayer. The mysteries of the Rosary tell us all that we believe about the Catholic Church. Many of the dogmas, all the signs, everything we have.”
Fr. Pieber explained the power of the Rosary comes from the power of Mary’s intercession, and her special role as the Mother of God.
“When the earliest Christians prayed to Mary, they prayed to her as the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus Christ, their savior,” he said. “And they knew she was special, they knew she had power, they knew she was selected by God. And so they knew God wanted her to be God’s mother. … She loves God so much that God totally works through her … It’s just amazing how she just takes you right to God.”
If you haven’t prayed the Rosary in a while – or ever – Fr. Pieber has a simple piece of advice for you and for all of us during this uncertain time: “I’m telling you, if you haven’t done it in a while, get to it and do it.”
Since March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, Relevant Radio has been airing a special edition of the Family Rosary Across America, as Fr. Rocky, Executive Director of Relevant Radio, leads a nine-day Rosary novena to pray for the end to the coronavirus and for the health and safety of all. The Rosary is being prayed Live from our Chapel of the Nativity in Green Bay, WI, and Fr. Rocky is taking your prayer requests. This special Rosary will be broadcast each evening from March 19 through March 27 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT on your local station, on the Relevant Radio App, at RelevantRadio.com, or on the Father Rocky Facebook page. We hope you will join us!