Working From Home and Making the Most of Your Time in Isolation

So you’ve traded conference rooms and rush hour for teleconferences from the sofa? As businesses and governments across the country (and the globe) have told employees to stay home, the office workers of America have been suddenly thrown into a work-from-home life. It’s a big adjustment, full of many new distractions to overcome. How can you remain productive over the next few weeks as you work from home?

Dave Durand, personal success coach and regular contributor to Morning Air® on Relevant Radio®, joined the show to discuss ways to effectively work remotely when it’s not something you’re used to.

The number one mistake that people make when working from home is going out of their schedule and goals. “Schedules and goals—daily objectives—bring order and without order you can’t have peace and without peace you cannot have prosperity,” explained Durand. He encourages you to wake up and take a shower like you usually would, exercise at your normal time, and not fall into a pattern of chaos and disarray. Even if you have found yourself at home without work to do (perhaps your business has been closed), find other ways to find order and discipline for your day.

young dad works at home with his son in lapIf you’ve found yourself in the difficult position of having to close your small business or are out of a job during a period of quarantine, use this extra time to better your situation. “Wake up and say, ‘I’m going to work; I’m going to develop a better strategy.’ What is it about my business that I wanted to change but I couldn’t because I was in there? … This will pass and you will end up either getting a job or restoring your business. So when that happens you want to be ahead of the game, not caught behind,” says Durand. Put together a plan for the future—with hope and enthusiasm—and think about ways you could advance your career or improve your business.

How can we remain productive while we’re working from home, away from the office and our coworkers? Eliminate distractions—social media, Netflix, news—and do not spend more time using these things than you did before social distancing began. Durand actually suggests that you spend less time using them and find productive ways to use your extra time at home. Hold yourself accountable during work hours and do not wander off into other activities that will capture your attention and leave you having accomplished nothing at the end of the day.

It’s also important to schedule in time for physical activity, and be disciplined about it! When we trade our normal routine of commuting to work, getting fresh air and walking around the office, for working from home in our pajamas while eating Cheetos for breakfast and spending hours in front of the television, that’s a recipe for disaster. It encourages bad habits, laziness, even depression. As a remedy, find ways to be active both physically and mentally. Get outside for a walk, find an exercise class online, read a good book, make time for prayer, and drop down for some push-ups!

If you would like to not only survive but also thrive during this pandemic, you need to take a look at your attitude. Are you spending time dwelling on the situation you’ve found yourself in? Or are you finding ways to help others and reasons to be hopeful and optimistic?

Despite the challenges you might face working from home, you can be successful! Make daily goals, follow a schedule, and be disciplined about how you use your time. Use this time as an opportunity for personal, professional, and spiritual growth!

Listen to the full podcast for more advice from Dave Durand:

Tune in to Morning Air® weekdays at 6-9am ET / 3-6am PT only on Relevant Radio®.

Lindsey is a wife, mother, and contributing author at Relevant Radio. She holds a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lindsey enjoys writing, baking, and liturgical living with her young family.