Day 21: Virgin Most Powerful, Pray for Us!

We’ve all heard stories about how a mother can have almost super-human strength when it comes to protecting her young child. Well, Our Lady has more than super-human strength when it comes to protecting us. She has “super natural” strength, so if you need something, pray the rosary every day for that intention. There’s a story that’s told about a handsome young man who married a beautiful young woman and then shipped off to war a few days later. Away from his bride in the terrible jungles of the South Pacific, they would pray the rosary for each other every day. That mutual daily recitation of the rosary for each other became their lifeline for hope. Four years later he returned, safe and sound, after World War II from the jungles of New Guinea ; one of the few men of his company to survive. And he credited all to Our Lady, the Virgin Most Powerful, and the daily recitation of the rosary.

Virgin Most Powerful, pray for the Church and our Nation.

On Mondays we pray the Joyful Mysteries.


Be sure to join us this evening at 7:00 pm CT for the Family Rosary Across America® on your local Relevant Radio station and the Relevant Radio App.

If you have missed a previous novena reflection, you can find all of them here. Or subscribe to receive these reflections in your inbox each morning.

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.