Day 3: Holy Virgin of Virgins, Pray for Us

virgin of virgins

This is the third title of Our Lady in the Litany of Loreto, as we pray for 54 days for the “needs of our Church and the Nation.”  In our contemporary Western post-Christian culture, virginity is rarely appreciated, hardly expected, and commonly misunderstood as if it were a weakness of character, when in fact, it is the opposite.

Consider the lives and example of some of the great saints who were Virgins and completely committed to Jesus Christ:  Our Lady, St. John the Apostle, Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Damien of Molokai, Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio, and many others.  They all stood strong at the foot of the cross.  They all gave themselves without reserve to God at a young age.  St. Josemaría had a special insight into the power of the prayer of virgins when he wrote:  “Next to the prayer of priests and of dedicated virgins, the prayer most pleasing to God is the prayer of children and that of the sick.”

Holy Virgin of Virgins, pray for our Church and our nation.

On Thursdays we pray the Luminous Mysteries.

Be sure to join us this evening at 7:00 pm CT for the Family Rosary Across America® on your local Relevant Radio station and the Relevant Radio App.

If you have missed a previous novena reflection, you can find all of them here. Or subscribe to receive these reflections in your inbox each morning.

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.