Day 37: Health of the Sick, Pray for Us!

Another name for Our Lady, Health of the Sick or “salus infirmorum” in Latin, is Our Lady of Good Health, and we have been praying to her every day after Mass at Relevant Radio since the COVID shut down began on March 15. When we pray the Family Rosary Across America on Relevant Radio, the majority of prayer requests are for better health.  Some years ago I was at the bedside of a man ravaged by cancer. On his nightstand laid a trusty worn rosary. When the morphine drip could do no more, he would grab his rosary and say, “Oh Mother, help me.” And relief, deep and sure, would arrive. The miraculous image of Our Lady of Good Health is next to the tomb of St. Camillus de Lellis in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rome. Many who have prayed fervently before that image could tell you why it is regarded as miraculous.

Health of the sick, pray for the Church and the nation.

On Wednesdays we pray the Glorious Mysteries.


Be sure to join us this evening at 7:00 pm CT for the Family Rosary Across America® on your local Relevant Radio station and the Relevant Radio App.

If you have missed a previous novena reflection, you can find all of them here. Or subscribe to receive these reflections in your inbox each morning.

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.