Pray Together, Stay Together

If you only pray the Rosary one day a year, today should be that day. (Of course, we encourage you to pray it much more frequently than that!) Why? It is not only the Month of the Holy Rosary, but it’s also the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Bishop Edward Scharfenberger of the Diocese of Albany, New York, encourages every family to make time for the Rosary, especially today.

Baby hold Rosary beads“The Rosary connects us with not only Mary, but the whole Holy Family because she always maintains that relationship. Mary is the one that always makes Jesus present in the world … and whenever we pray to Mary, we always pray through her heart right to the heart of Jesus and Joseph as the protector and unity of the Holy Family,” said Bishop Scharfenberger.

It might require some creativity to get your kids involved in praying the Rosary. The Bishop suggests making a Rosary during craft time and explaining the significance of it to your kids. It’s also important to lower your expectations and not make the Rosary a stressful or frustrating time. Accept that your kids will wiggle, they may wander off or start singing the ABCs in the middle of a decade, but the Blessed Mother appreciates their participations all the same.

No matter how your family Rosary turns out, the important thing is that you make the time. The Rosary “is a source of unity that can connect us together. Fr. Peyton was right: the family that prays together, stays together. It’s impossible to sin and pray at the same time,” said Bishop Scharfenberger.

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In honor of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and in partnership with the USCCB, Relevant Radio® will broadcast a live Rosary for America at 2pm CT on October 7, 2020. The Rosary will be led by Archbishop José Gomez and can be heard on your local Relevant Radio station and viewed at and the Relevant Radio app.

Find the Rosary in our audio prayers and devotions on the Relevant Radio app, and pray along with us LIVE each evening during the Family Rosary Across America® at 7pm CT.

Lindsey is a wife, mother, and contributing author at Relevant Radio. She holds a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lindsey enjoys writing, baking, and liturgical living with her young family.