Ready or not, here it comes! Advent begins Sunday, November 29, 2020! It’s a beautiful liturgical season of preparation for the joy and glory of Christ’s birth at Christmas. But have you prepared for Advent?
Here’s your last-minute reminder to make a stop for some new purple and pink taper candles, but besides dusting off the Advent wreath, what else have you done to set yourself up for a holy and prayerful Advent season?
May we suggest something that takes just one minute per day? That single minute will uplift you and give you something to reflect on through the day. Trust us, you have one minute to spare.
Father Rocky’s Advent Inspirations are one-minute daily audio reflections you can listen to while you brush your teeth, on the way to work, or even at the dinner table with your family. Each reflection is focused on an aspect of the Advent season and will give you something to discuss or think about as you enter into this time of prayerful waiting and preparing.
You can sign up to receive the Advent Inspirations in your email inbox each morning. What a great way to start your day!
We can’t wait to journey through Advent with you this year. Get ready to be inspired and check your inbox on Sunday, November 29 for the first Advent Inspiration!