As we approach another brand new year, it’s always good practice to reflect on how far we’ve come in the past year. 2020 might have been a roller coaster ride, but we saw some really good things happening at Relevant Radio®, thanks to your support of our mission and the dedication of our amazing team!
These are a few of my highlights for 2020:
Praying with you! When the pandemic hit and churches closed their doors, Relevant Radio began a LIVE daily Mass broadcast that brought us all together in love for the Holy Eucharist. We also joined together for some powerful novenas, including a 54-day Rosary Novena for the Needs of the Church and the Nation during the Family Rosary Across America®, with over 100,000 families united together in prayer! Plus our listeners submitted over 60,000 names to be prayed for during our Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls. Wow!
Your unbelievable support. When my new book, Mary at the Crossroads of History, was published in May, you all showed amazing support for this book honoring our Blessed Mother, and we distributed over 100,000 copies so far! Our listeners also stepped up big time to show incredible generosity, especially during our pledge drives, allowing us to reach many more souls with the joy and comfort of Christ during this challenging year. Thank you, thank you! (And if you would like to make a year-end gift, there’s still time!)
Welcoming new voices. We said hello to Trending with Timmerie in April, and in July we welcomed The Faith Explained and The Cale Clarke Show to our daily lineup. Timmerie and Cale have made excellent additions to the Relevant Radio team!
Making history together. On December 8th, Pope Francis made a big announcement for the Church and world with the proclamation of a “Year of Saint Joseph”, and Relevant Radio invited you to join us in experiencing this special year throughout 2021. And because of your amazing support and generosity, Relevant Radio crossed a milestone on December 12th, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, by celebrating 20 years on the air. We could not have achieved that without you, and we are very excited to serve you for many more decades!
2020 was an eye-opening year that helped many souls realize what is truly important in life. You are so important to us! I am extremely honored to consider you a member of our Relevant Radio family, and I look forward to what we will achieve together in 2021.
With prayers for a very blessed and healthy New Year,
Father Rocky
P.S. By the way, here’s an idea for a New Year’s Resolution: Create your will if you haven’t already. It’s an act of charity to plan ahead and make sure your family, loved ones, and the causes you believe in are well taken care of. We can help! Relevant Radio partnered with FreeWill to provide you with a free, online resource to help you create your will or trust in 20 minutes or less. Begin your New Year by protecting everyone you love!