Holy Week is here! It’s the most important week in the liturgical calendar and an excellent opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ. This week we are called to find extra time for silence, reflection, and prayer as we journey with Christ through the final days of His earthly life.
In the coming days, the Catholic Church has beautiful liturgies and devotions to turn to. In order to help you go deeper in your experience of Christ’s Passion, Relevant Radio has many special broadcasts to guide your prayer, reflection, and worship leading up to the Easter season and beyond.
Check out these highlights from our Holy Week and Easter programming schedule, and find them all on your local Relevant Radio station, at relevantradio.com, and on our free mobile app:
Fr. Rocky’s Holy Week Mission, Close to Jesus to the Last: A special 5-day reflection led by Father Rocky at 11am and 6pm CT, March 29th – April 2. Take a deeper look at the events leading to Christ’s crucifixion and meditate on His Passion.
Holy Thursday:
Mass of the Last Supper LIVE at 5pm CT with Fr. Rocky
Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm CT with Fr. Rocky
Good Friday:
Noon CT, Stations of the Cross LIVE from the Shrine of Christ’s Passion
3pm CT, Stations of the Cross with Fr. Rocky
4PM CT, Good Friday Liturgy LIVE with Fr. Rocky
Holy Saturday: Vatican Easter Vigil Mass at 1:30pm CT, courtesy of Vatican Radio
Easter Sunday: 9am CT, Easter Sunday Mass LIVE from St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Green Bay, WI
In addition to these special broadcasts, Relevant Radio offers LIVE broadcasts of the daily Mass at noon CT, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy weekdays at 3pm CT, and the Family Rosary Across America at 7pm CT.
View Holy Week Programming Schedule
When we make room for Christ, to walk with Him on His journey to Calvary, we can grow in our love for Him and better understand how deeply He loves us.
We wish you a blessed and sacred Holy Week, and thank you for joining our reflections, devotions, and celebrations in the days to come.