The Patrick Madrid Show: April 14, 2021 – Hour 3

  • Patrick continues his conversation with Elvira from the previous hour about the difference between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.
  • Charlie – Has brothers ashes, wants to know what to do with them?
  • Tony and wife – How can God be all knowing? Does He know our free will?
  • Baseball Says Cuba ‘Sí,’ Georgia ‘No’
  • Black Lives Matter’s Patrisse Cullors is being criticized for buying $1.4M home in White enclave
  • Larry – Can someone plan to have a Josephite marriage and not have children?
  • Brushing teeth twice a day, regular trips to the dentist help keep Alzheimer’s disease away
  • Paula – why did God have to go in and punish/wipe out the native people living in their land in the OT
  • John – is confused by Patrick’s comments about marriage not needing to be consummated. Is that really true?
  • John – Question about verse about Hanna being given “portions” – different Bible verses say different things, so why is it not consistent?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.