One year ago, Eric called The Patrick Madrid Show in a great deal of pain and without much hope. After some time of sobriety from alcohol, he had fallen back into his old habits and was drinking again. Eric remembered how distraught and sad he was at the time during his relapse. He called back to give Patrick an update on his progress.
“I’ve been sober for about a year now, and I just wanted to thank God and Relevant Radio. And just everything you do, and I also want to thank Alcoholics Anonymous, too, for the work that allowed me to continue to stay sober,” Eric said.
The past year hasn’t been easy, but Eric has found hope in spite of the struggle against his addiction to alcohol and cigarettes.
“It’s been an uphill battle,” he explained. “You take one addiction out and you try to replace it with something else. So I had to replace all of that with my faith and praying a lot more and finding healthier ways to cope. But it’s definitely not been easy.”
He shared the additional good news that because of his sobriety, his relationships have improved. “My relationship with my family and with my girlfriend are definitely patched up and a lot healthier. I’ve also gotten the call to the vocation of marriage and I’m going to be marrying my girlfriend pretty soon, within in the next year.”
Eric is just one of many listeners who have found healing and hope thanks to the uplifting programs on Relevant Radio. You can give hope to souls like Eric by supporting Relevant Radio and our mission during the Spring Pledge Drive!