The Inner Life May 18th – The Virtue of Hope

The Virtue of Hope – Have you ever been faced with a seemingly hopeless situation? Father Peter Armenio joins the Inner Life to discuss the virtue of Hope and how we can have Hope in the difficult times.

Caller Story – He was not Catholic but after his wife experienced 5 miscarriages, he and his wife converted to Catholicism because of the hope given to them by the Catholic School their children attended.

Caller Story – He is given hope because of the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Through His wounds we are healed and given hope for life everlasting.

Josh Raymond has been on the air in one way or another since 1998. Starting in secular radio and eventually having the opportunity to move into Christian radio, he worked at several stations throughout the Pacific Northwest, serving in different capacities including Show Host, Production Director, Operations Manager, and Program Director. In 2005 he joined Relevant Radio and currently is the Vice President – Director of Programming and Production.