Catholic Response to Pride Month

  • Hour 1 of 6-3-21
  • A news roundup on stories related to vaccine distribution efforts. Some states have lotteries for people to win money, as long as they vaccinated first. West Virginia is actually giving out guns as a prize. Also, emails were released which potentially implicate Dr. Fauci, and seem to indicate that he knew more about COVID’s origins than we was letting on.
  • June has become known as Pride Month, and it leaves many Catholics feeling confused and conflicted. What and how should a Catholic respond? What does the Church teach about SSM? We love the sinner, and the Church says that homosexual acts are disordered, but not the attraction. Hear more from John Monaco. You can read his piece here.
Drew Mariani is an award-winning journalist, writer and broadcaster. He currently hosts The Drew Mariani Show™ reaching a potential audience of 220 million people. His 3-hour daily program offers a unique insight on the most important issues of the day and a platform for dialogue with listeners and newsmakers.