Father Simon Says – August 9, 2021 – A-M-E-N

Dt 10:12-22

  • Father takes a look at Deuteronomy from a bird’s eye view and mentions the importance of welcoming the stranger

Mt 17:22-27

  • What’s the temple tax that Jesus is talking about?


  • Question about judgement
  • Are trials God’s punishment?

Word of the Day: ALIEN


  • How Fr. Simon understands Catholics voting decisions
  • What psalm was Jesus reciting on the cross?
Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All is the host of Fr. Simon Says on Relevant Radio. Father Simon delves into the daily Scripture readings, shares a Word of the Day to help you sharpen you vocabulary, and opens the phones to your questions about the Faith. After just a few minutes with Father Simon, you might be convinced that he truly does know it all!