Father Simon Says – September 10, 2021 – Ketchup!

1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14

  • When was this letter written and did Paul write it?
  • God gives us an abundance of grace

Lk 6:39-42

  • Was is this text so funny?

Mass Hysteria

  • Why do we sing at mass?


  • Is it OK to feel loving and generous when we do good deeds?
  • Certain prayers are meant to be inaudible
  • Question about Joseph’s reference to magic

Word of the day: Blasphemy and Arrogance


  • I am not Catholic but want to be. Does the Catholic Church do open Baptisms?
  • Caller misses Gregorian Chant
  • Have you ever heard that St. Therese wished to become a priest? An article in the New Yorker stated this and that she even received a tonsure.
  • Do you think that with the new transgender laws that they are more brazen?
Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All is the host of Fr. Simon Says on Relevant Radio. Father Simon delves into the daily Scripture readings, shares a Word of the Day to help you sharpen you vocabulary, and opens the phones to your questions about the Faith. After just a few minutes with Father Simon, you might be convinced that he truly does know it all!