Father Simon Says – September 2, 2021 – Do Lord

Lk 5:1-11

  • What does being fishers of men mean?

Mass Hysteria: The mass should be done with reverence, and do we like a particular mass just because we like it? 



  • Father tells a reader to think about the never-ending mass on Calvary.
  • Question about John the Baptist as the greatest prophet of the Old Testament
  • Why can’t we keep relics of our own families in our own home if we do so for saints?

Word of the Day: Kingdom


  • When Christ rebuked, did he rebuke the spiritual sin of the fall and when rebuking physical things, he rebukes the fall of creation?
  • My daughter is pregnant, but doctors said there’s no heartbeat, and they said she needs to take the abortion pill. What should we do?
Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All is the host of Fr. Simon Says on Relevant Radio. Father Simon delves into the daily Scripture readings, shares a Word of the Day to help you sharpen you vocabulary, and opens the phones to your questions about the Faith. After just a few minutes with Father Simon, you might be convinced that he truly does know it all!