“When you go to heaven, are you old or are you a kid?” asked 6-year-old Ben from Colorado. Have you ever wondered the same thing? Will we appear as we did when we died, or will we be returned to the strong and healthy bodies of our youth?
“That’s a good question. I don’t know the answer to that question for sure, Ben,” responded Patrick Madrid, host of The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio®.
“Some of the theologians of the Church, they say that you are the perfect age in heaven. And we aren’t sure what the perfect age is—is it eighteen, is it twenty-one? We don’t know. But some say the perfect age and I tend to think that that’s the case,” said Patrick.
He further explained by telling the story of a saint’s vision of heaven.
“When saints, like St. John Bosco—have you ever heard of him? St. John Bosco?”
“No,” said Ben.
“Okay. Maybe your mom and dad can get you a book about him when you get a little older. But he had a vision of one of the boys that was in his school where he was teaching. That boy’s name was St. Dominic Savio and he died when he was about fifteen years old. And St. John Bosco had a vision of him when he was in heaven and he looked to be about the same age. He looked to be about fifteen years old and he was in the company of a bunch of people who all looked to be about fifteen, sixteen, seventeen years old. Now I don’t know if that means that everybody in heaven is that age, I don’t know, but he saw a vision of heaven and they seemed to be young,” Patrick explained.
Although we can speculate, we can’t know for sure what we will look like in heaven.
“I guess the best I can say, Ben, is when we get to heaven we’ll find out! But whatever it is, it’s going to be great,” said Patrick.
So, what age do you think you’ll be in heaven? What do you consider to be your perfect age?
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