The Patrick Madrid Show: October 11, 2021 – Hour 3

  • Rose – In reference to a previous call about the consecration at Mass, I am a Maronite Catholic and the consecration is sung in Syriac during every liturgy
  • Edward – Why can only the priest repose the Eucharist? A friend told me that since the veil was torn
  • Sandy – Abortion is defined ‘miscarriage’ as these girls are intentionally killing babies. Maybe if we change the language, it will finally sink in.
  • Charles – We did not have the penitential rite at Mass on Sunday. Is this permitted?
  • Patrick shares “10 Lessons I Learned From The Taliban”
  • John – What is your thought on what was meant in yesterday’s gospel about a camel passing through an eye of a needle?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.