The Patrick Madrid Show: November 09, 2021 – Hour 1

  • Gavin Newsom has been out of public view for two weeks. There is speculation that he might be having adverse effects to a COVID vaccination
  • $100 paid to vaccinate your young kids
  • U.S. judge upholds United Airlines’ COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees
  • Andrew – Went to an event that required vaccine and my friend didn’t have a card so his daughter photoshopped him a card and got in just fine.
  • Dawn – My son has schizophrenia. Is this something the Church would do an exorcism for?
  • Cynthia – Not only is CRT saying that all white kids are racist, it’s also saying that no matter what black kids do, they will always be oppressed.
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.