Nathan called The Patrick Madrid Show late last year for advice as he discerned a vocation to the priesthood. Specifically, he needed help with breaking the news to his girlfriend that he was feeling called to enter the seminary.
He called back this week to share some good news—after saying yes to God’s call and following Patrick’s advice, he flew back to his home diocese in Arizona and has recently been accepted to the seminary! He thanked Patrick for his helpful advice and all of the Relevant Radio listeners who prayed for him.
“Can you talk a little bit about what it was like when you had to deliver that message to this young woman?” asked Patrick.
Nathan acknowledged that he didn’t expect it to be as difficult as it was. “It was harder for her and, I guess, for both of us, when push came to shove … but I felt so free, really. I felt this tremendous peace. The best way I can describe it is a peace that surpasses understanding,” he said.
He likened it to taking a leap off a cliff. “Like God was calling to me from the top of a cliff and I was just looking out into this fog. I knew that he was calling me out there and he was just inviting me to trust him. It felt like I stepped out over this cliff, I finally took a step and time froze right in that moment when I told her. Then interiorly it was the sense that God caught me.”
As difficult as it was to say goodbye to his girlfriend whom he had so much respect and admiration for, he knew that he was making the right decision. Nathan described it as interior peace.
“It was really quite confirming of God’s love and his care,” he explained.
Patrick compared the moment to Jesus asking Peter to get out of the boat and walk towards him on the water. The trust that Nathan showed is inspiring to others who are making tough decisions and opening their hearts to God’s call.
“Hopefully your good example to [your former girlfriend] of trusting God and being willing to do something that would be painful or difficult, that will be edifying for her and pay dividends in her life,” Patrick commented.
Nathan asked that all of us continue to pray for him and for all seminarians, who need our prayers as they go through their years of study and discernment.
St. Charles Borromeo, patron saint of seminarians, pray for us!