The Inner Life – Thursday, September 08, 2022 – Evangelization

Father Michael Nixon joins IL for the first time to discuss evangelization. Topics included getting to know Fr. Michael (7:12), what evangelization is (9:45), the importance of knowing Jesus (14:38), renewing our encounter with Jesus (18:46), obstacles to evangelization (24:04), hostility to Christianity (29:18), evangelization in the medical word (37:20), the importance of Scripture in evangelization (42:37), and a book recommendation (46:46). 

Josh Raymond has been on the air in one way or another since 1998. Starting in secular radio and eventually having the opportunity to move into Christian radio, he worked at several stations throughout the Pacific Northwest, serving in different capacities including Show Host, Production Director, Operations Manager, and Program Director. In 2005 he joined Relevant Radio and currently is the Vice President – Director of Programming and Production.