The Patrick Madrid Show: February 20, 2023 – Hour 3

Patrick gives advice on how to help your spouse back into the Catholic Church, helps an 8th grader with ideas on how to argue against abortion in a paper she needs to write for a pro-choice teacher and gives the Churches recommendations how to handle the tragedy of a miscarriage.

  • Hector (continued) – Planning to get married, girlfriend ex-Catholic- advice on convincing her to get married in church.
  • Gabriel 10-years-old – Do dinosaurs actually exist?
  • Isabelle – in 8th grade and writing a paper about abortion: Is there a way to explain why abortion should be illegal to non-religious people?
  • Mark – Question about the mystic Luisa Piccarreta, some are advancing her cause of beatification but Church says we should wait for the interpretation of her writings. What is your take on her?
  • Patrick Answers an email about what is the proper protocol in the Church in the event of a miscarriage?
  • Patrick – New Catholic and struggling with adoration of Mary and saints- any suggestion to help me?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.