The Patrick Madrid Show: February 28, 2023 – Hour 2

Patrick takes some callers from our younger listeners about the difference between the heart and soul and who you can pick as a confirmation saint and helps new Catholics understand how to make their marriage sacramental

  • Priest & nuns killed in car accident in India
  • Lisa – Husband divorcing me because of his mother- what happens to my husband’s soul now that he is doing this?
  • Elijah 9-years-old – Difference between heart and soul?
  • Daniel 8-years-old – Can you choose a venerable as Confirmation Saint?
  • Patrick reads an email about discerning God’s will versus her own will
  • Patrick answers an email about Baptism in the bible
  • Erin – my husband just got baptized. do we need to do something else to make our marriage sacramental?
  • Marco – Girl wearing a rosary as necklace- is that okay?
  • Ann – Did Moses experience the beatific vision? Why are there revisions of the Bible?
  • Patrick – Lord is kind and merciful – then why was Adam and Eve punishment severe and world doomed?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.