The Patrick Madrid Show: April 14, 2023 – Hour 3

Special Guest Host Father Matthew appeals to us to use the graces that will be poured out to us in abundance this Devine Mercy Sunday

Thomas 7-years-old – Did Judas go to heaven or hell?

James – A friend is doing a dissertation for college about abortion. How can she argue for the rights of the child without using religion?

Jodi – Why is it that when a nun becomes a sister, she takes on the name of a saint, but a priest keeps his name.

Adam 9-years-old – Where are the original 10 commandment tablets?

Normand – Abortion: I had an abortion with my wife and the psychological impact sticks with you forever.

Isabel – When we receive communion, which part of the trinity are we praying to?

Pauline – Can I go to the Vigil Mass for Devine Mercy Sunday?

Joseph – Was hell open before Jesus died? Will Purgatory go away at the end of the world?

Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.