The Patrick Madrid Show: May 05, 2023 – Hour 1

This is happening to children under 2-years-old under the guise of medicine:  Top medical schools are now transitioning toddlers and training future primary care doctors on how to engage in the experimental treatment. – 

  • Vivian – I am reading the book Why Be Catholic. Could you talk more about the Tilma mentioned in the book?
  • Grey – I am going to Mass with a parent who is not a practicing Catholic. How do I talk with her about not receiving communion?
  • Denise – Where and when did Catholic apologetics start?
  • Patrick gives a history lesson on Cinco de Mayo (what he calls Cinco de Drinko)
  • Megan – How can we be sure that the ONLY way for the Eucharist to be consecrated and distributed is by priests?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.