When NFP Doesn’t Work

Marriage Hour:  Update on the FDA abortion pill case and what you can do. (4:02) How to bond with your baby. (9:42) What do I do when I’m still in love with the last person I dated?  (19:03) NFP (Natural Family Planning)   doesn’t work for me.  What should I do? (29:07) What the Church teaches about spacing children – unpacking the encyclical Humanae Vitae. (43:24)  


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Resources mentioned : 


Christina Perri Album 



Find a Creighton Fertility Care Instructor https://mycatholicdoctor.com/providers/fertility-educator/sl-creighton/ 


Read Humanae Vitae on Responsible Parenthood and Natural Family 

Planning https://www.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae.html 

Timmerie works as a radio host and Catholic speaker educating in areas of theology and is an expert at responding to current trends of sexuality, feminism, and gender ideology. She hosts Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio. She holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Theology and Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Media with an emphasis in the New Evangelization from John Paul the Great Catholic University.