Why does St. Michael Have a Feast Day if He’s Not Human? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Patrick receives a heartwarming call from a six-year-old listener named Michael from Minnesota. Michael asks why St. Michael, an angel, has a feast day.

Patrick explains that angels are higher beings than humans in God’s creation, and St. Michael, along with other named angels like St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, is honored by the church for the important roles they played in biblical events. Patrick tells Michael about St. Gabriel’s role as the messenger sent to inform the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus. He also explains the significance of feast days, where believers remember and ask angels to pray for, defend, and guide them. You don’t have to be afraid of spiritual attacks when you are calling upon these powerful angels! 

Patrick also expresses his excitement for Michael’s upcoming first Holy Communion, even though Michael isn’t quite sure why he’s excited yet. But he will be! 

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.