Eucharistic Encounter 6: What’s the best way to receive Holy Communion?

What’s the best way to receive Holy Communion? 

“So, what’s the best way to receive Holy Communion?” I’m often asked. Well, I only teach what the Church tells me to teach, which is what I’m supposed to do as a priest. In the United States of America, when you receive Holy Communion, you may receive standing up or kneeling down, on your hands or on your tongue. But the Church does ask you to make a bow of reverence before you receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

The decision is yours when it comes to your posture, but the Church also teaches us that to receive Holy Communion fruitfully, there are a couple of requirements.

First, we need to be a practicing Catholic. Second, we should be in a state of grace, which means we should not be aware of unconfessed mortal sins. Third, we’re supposed to keep a one-hour fast from food and beverage, and finally, you should be at least of the age of reason.

That preparation is absolutely key. The best way to receive Holy Communion is with fervor and piety and devotion. And that’s why the #1 Free Catholic App in the world, the Relevant Radio app, is helpful for you to prepare for Holy Communion. Over on the right-side drop-down menu, you’re going to see “Prayers Before Mass”, and I encourage you to read them and reflect on them.

There you go! The best way to receive Holy Communion is in the state of grace, with fervor and hunger.

I sure hope to see you at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, July 24. Let’s all show up for Jesus and fill every seat in the stadium!

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Attend the Congress! Let’s all show up for Jesus!

If you are interested in attending the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July 2024, check out our best-rate travel packages here!


Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.