The Patrick Madrid Show: November 28, 2023 – Hour 3

Patrick discusses the controversy surrounding the Hallow app’s association with actor Liam Neeson and his pro-abortion views. Listeners will hear Patrick’s take on the theological appropriateness of celebrating Hanukkah within a Catholic family, offering valuable insights and perspectives on the matter.

  • Trans McDonalds Commercial – “There’s so much love to share this Christmas!”
  • House Foreign Affairs Cahir Mike McCaul – “We know that Egypt had warned Israel 3 days prior that an event like this could happen, we know that this has been planned … as long as a year ago.”
  • Robert – I think we should always be on the look out to be a ‘Philip’ to someone else’s children. What do you think about that passage being an argument against Sola Scriptura?
  • Agnes – I was abused by a priest in my teen years. I find the Eucharist to be the most comforting thing and helped me in recovering. It is important to tell priests how valuable they are.
  • Hallow App Defends Partnership With Liam Neeson, a Supporter of Abortion
  • Jay – My brother wrote to me asking how is the Novus Ordo Mass any less schismatic than the Lutheran reformation?  How do I respond to him? (21:39)
  • Amanda – Is it okay to celebrate Hanukkah with a Jewish family as a Catholic? (30:06)
  • George – Congrats and thank you for your comments about the terrible things the Hallow app did.
  • Connie – I learned McDonalds was employing drag queens for advertising. I will not be going to McDonalds anymore.
  • Ken – How do I talk about the Church Scandal with my children? They are adults and I think they are using the scandal as an excuse to miss Mass.
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.