Lord, Lead Me by Desire (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

You may desire something to happen, but is it also God’s desire? How do you know for sure that something is God’s will?

Patrick Conley chats with Fr. Tim Wyciskalla, diving deep into the concept of discerning and doing God’s will.

The highlight? A call from Annette in Austin, Texas, who talks about her pull towards Eucharistic adoration.

Despite her hectic life, she feels a strong, almost magnetic pull towards spending an hour in adoration – almost daily! Here’s where it gets miraculous: As she responds to this divine nudge, her schedule aligns, creating space for this sacred time.

She observes two life-changing effects. First, this quiet hour with the Lord brings clarity, helping her sift through the daily noise to find what truly matters. Second, it deepens her relationship with Christ, offering a calm that’s nothing short of rejuvenating.

Fr. Wyciskalla chips in with wisdom, reminding you that God never dials the wrong number.  Annette’s experience beautifully illustrates this – her initial reluctance turns into a testimony that sometimes, the best plans are the ones we didn’t make.

Patrick and Father also tackle a tricky question: Can we trust our desires? Fr. Wyciskalla suggests a balanced view. While our desires can lead us astray, they can also be signposts to God’s will, especially when aligned with our calling. The key? Submitting our will to God’s, trusting that His GPS knows the best route to joy and fulfillment, even if it’s different from our Google Maps. Patrick suggests that you can pray this, “Lord, lead me by my desire.”

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.