The Patrick Madrid Show: December 07, 2023 – Hour 2

Patrick discusses moral capability of working on transgender bathrooms, answers whether it is moral to harm yourself in protest for a good cause and delves into the nature of sins both objectively and subjectively. Don’t miss out on this hour!

  • Martin (Continued) – I will be working at a school that will have ‘all gender bathrooms’. What would my moral obligation be? People in Ireland went on a hunger strike to stand up for the improvised Irish, until they died. Is that considered a good thing or a suicide?
  • Orlando – I haven’t been to confession in 33 years and when I told the priest I was divorced I didn’t get an absolution. Is that normal?

Break 1 (20:56)

  • What would Jesus do in the situation with the Gay Marriage? I think Jesus would have gone.
  • Tom – Is sexual ‘petting’ ok for married or unmarried people?
  • Cecilia – What happened to Mary after Jesus’ resurrection and after Jesus ascended into heaven?

Break 2 (34:40)

  • Richard – Is suicide a mortal sin? It seems Patrick takes a harsher line with sexual sin that with suicide.
  • Bill – Elements of a mortal sin: if someone commits a sin that they believe is a venial sin even if it’s serious, are they guilty of a mortal sin?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.