The Patrick Madrid Show: December 28, 2023 – Hour 3

Encore from 09/15/2023

  • Andrew – My wife heard your call with Alicia. Thank you for all you do.
  • Maggie – I had an abortion 44 years ago. Am I excommunicated because I had an abortion?
  • Alex – Does the Bible support the idea of Purgatory and can I ask the souls in purgatory to pray for my family?
  • Norman – My wife and I had an abortion but God has used that pain to open my eyes. I didn’t know Christ until I came to Him with my deep sorrow and guilt.
  • David – My wife miscarried and removing the dead child was very difficult.
  • Mark – Do I need to physically touch the relic to get healed?
  • Elle – Should I keep asking my 18-year-old son to go to church with me when he doesn’t want to go?
  • Steve – What would you say to people to think that they can sin because God will forgive them? Alicia seemed to have hinted to that idea in her call.
  • Liana – My doctor recommended I use contraceptives because if I get pregnant I could die. What should I do?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.