Want an Unhindered Marriage? (Marriage Unhindered)

Have you heard the brand-new show on Relevant Radio? It’s called “Marriage Unhindered.” It’s live every Saturday at 11a CT on Relevant Radio. You can listen back to any episode on the Relevant Radio app or website!

Doug Hinderer, a licensed marriage and family therapist, is here to help strengthen your marriage.

🚀 Key Takeaways from the first episode:

  1. Embrace the Beauty of Imperfection: Doug emphasizes that a marriage doesn’t need to be flawless to be fantastic. It’s about thriving in the imperfections and growing together.
  2. The Two-Year Rule: Research suggests a golden period of two years for dating before marriage to lower divorce rates. Doug shares his whirlwind romance, proposing after a week but stresses the importance of not rushing things.
  3. Understanding Love: The journey through various forms of love, including the intoxicating infatuation stage and the enduring sacrificial and friendly love, is crucial. Infatuation isn’t a “bad thing,” but Doug explains that every good marriage must have a basis of deep friendship as well.
  4. Eros Love & Family Dynamics: Physical affection, like dancing with your spouse, radiates love and joy within the family.
  5. The Prophetic Insight: Reflecting on Sister Lucia’s words from Fatima about the battle over marriage and family, Doug highlights the alarming decline in Catholic weddings and the essential role of marriage as a sacrament. Younger people now are not getting married in a Church and this is very concerning! You need the grace from the Sacrament of Marriage!
  6. Combatting Satan’s Tactics: Doug notes Satan’s strategy to undermine marriages by magnifying spouses’ flaws and the power of focusing on their virtues instead. Don’t dwell on the negative qualities of your spouse but give thanks to God for the great things you love in them.
  7. Effective Communication Formula: A three-step process – “I feel”, “When you”, and “I’d like to ask you to please” – is suggested for respectfully addressing issues in marriage. It will help your spouse to not be on the defensive when receiving these words and will offer “gentle conversation.”
Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.