The Patrick Madrid Show: January 29, 2024 – Hour 2

Patrick gives heartfelt advice on handling noisy children at Mass along with some practical strategies for parents and parishioners alike, with personal stories touching on patience, understanding, and community. Plus, we tackled the nuances of cry rooms in churches, urging empathy and consideration for young families.

  • Michelle – Jonah: 3. God repented of the evil He threatened to do to them. I didn’t think God had evil in Him. How can I understand this?
  • Katie – Regarding caller Britney from the last hour: I agree with what you said about kids at Mass. I used to be in that situation. It was very difficult. (12:24)
  • Tim – My wife and I try to encourage the young families to bring their children. We will thank them for bringing their kids.
  • Lourdes (9-years-old) – Is Jesus human? (21:47)
  • Rose – How do I, as someone who doesn’t have children, ignore children who are disruptive at Mass? (27:13)
  • Stephanie – There are many reasons why people refuse to use a cry room. I have been in both situations on this subject. (44:49)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.