Why Confession? – January 25, 2024

Father Patrick Broussard joined Patrick for a conversation about confession. Topics included: getting to know Fr. Broussard (2:58), why confession? (5:06), caller: My mom won’t go to confession; what should I do? (12:55), caller: why confess to a priest? (15:13), email: should I go to confession for accidental intoxication? (20:26), caller: not receiving absolution changed me (22:47), email: what are sins of omission? (26:20), caller: I have trouble committing to confession? (30:08), caller: I don’t remember all of my sins (34:48), caller: I have had some disappointing confessions (39:53), caller: one of my kids goes to Communion but commits mortal sins (45:15), and caller: what’s the difference between mortal and venial sins (47:06). 

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.