Lesson 14: First Reading

You may now be seated.

Today’s Lenten Lesson: First Reading

The reason they changed the Mass from Latin to English is so you could understand it.

After the Opening Prayer, you may please be seated and listen to the Word of God in English. On weekdays we have three readings: the First Reading, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Gospel. On Sundays and Holy Days we have four readings: typically one from the Old Testament, then the Responsorial Psalm, one from the New Testament, and then the Gospel.

As a teacher, I have found the most effective way to communicate a message is with audio and visual aids. For that reason, the faithful are encouraged to read the readings for themselves even before Mass. You can find the daily readings on the Relevant Radio® mobile app, or in your missalette.

When we read the Sacred Scriptures we should ask the Holy Spirit for help to understand the meaning as it applies to us today, here, and now.

If you have missed a previous Lenten Lesson, you can find all of them here. Or subscribe to receive these Lenten Lessons in your inbox each morning.

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.