Does Mary Always Take Our Petitions to Jesus? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Can Mary change Jesus’ mind when it comes to His will for you? Does she take every prayer request to Our Lord? You might be confused about all of this.

🌸 Patrick Madrid has a fascinating conversation about the intercessory role of Mary.

Carolyn’s Question: Carolyn from Pennsylvania, who is part of a small group studying Mary, shares her group’s thoughts and concerns about Mary’s intercession. They believe that, like in the stories of the wedding at Cana and Bathsheba’s request to King Solomon, Jesus would not refuse a request from His mother. However, the group debates if Mary takes every single request we pray to her, and what happens if the requests aren’t always granted.

Patrick’s Insight: Patrick begins by addressing the scriptural basis for these beliefs, noting the importance of the wedding at Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle at Mary’s subtle request. He emphasizes that Mary’s intercession is not always in the form of explicit requests but often as observations or silent petitions.

Key Points:

Typological Connection: Patrick acknowledges the typological connection of Mary as Queen Mother but advises not to lean heavily on the Old Testament example of Bathsheba. Instead, focus on the New Testament, particularly John 2.

Perfect Unity with God’s Will: Mary lived her life in perfect conformity with God’s will due to her Immaculate Conception. Therefore, her intercessions are always in harmony with what God wills.

Intercessory Role: Mary’s intercession is more about presenting our needs to Jesus and aligning them with God’s will. She purifies and beautifies our petitions, making them worthy of God’s consideration.

Infused Knowledge: Due to her special grace, Mary possesses a profound understanding of God’s will, making her intercessions more attuned to what God desires for us.

Misconceptions: It’s not about Mary convincing Jesus to change His mind. Rather, it’s about her perfect alignment with God’s will, ensuring that her requests are always within His divine plan.

Patrick’s Conclusion: While Mary’s intercessions are powerful, they are always in sync with God’s will. Any idea that Jesus would grant something against His will, even if Mary asked, is a misunderstanding of their divine relationship.

Final Thought: Patrick wraps up by reminding you that every good thing ultimately comes from God, though often through the intercession of His creatures, including Mary. While we can never over-praise Mary, it’s crucial to understand her role correctly and not to expect her to override God’s divine plan.

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.