“How Can I Help My Kids Away from the Faith?” (The Drew Mariani Show)

Have your kids stopped practicing the faith? What can you do as a parent? Drew talks to Fr. Chris Walsh who’s here to give you encouragement.

💔 The Pain of Watching Kids Drift Away There’s a deep pain parents feel when their adult children leave the Church. This situation is heartbreakingly common, and it often leaves parents questioning their own efforts and decisions. Drew points out that it’s easy to feel like a failure, but it’s crucial to remember that you as a parent can only do so much.

📊 Staggering Statistics Referencing Pew Research, Drew notes that nearly 23% of U.S. adults identify as religiously unaffiliated, with the number rising to 35% among millennials. How sad. There’s clearly a broader cultural trend away from organized religion, which only makes it harder for parents who want their kids to stay Catholic.

🙏 The Power of Prayer and Patience Don’t give up on persistent prayer. Children often return back because of their parent’s witness. Fr. Walsh shares that his own return to the faith and eventual call to priesthood were supported by his parents’ prayers. Who knows?! Your children may end up pursuing religious life someday, even if they’re far away from the idea right now.

🌱 Planting Seeds and Living by Example Fr. Walsh advises you to plant seeds of faith and live as consistent, loving witnesses to God’s grace. Instead of trying to argue your children back to church, live a life of virtue and love.

🤝 Understanding and Support It’s crucial for you to understand that your children’s departure from the Catholic faith is often influenced by external factors like friend groups and societal norms, rather than personal rejection. Your kids’ actions may really hurt you but try to remember that it’s not anything against you. Fr. Walsh encourages an understanding heart and open-ended questions that can gently guide children back.

🌍 A Complex Cultural Landscape Fr. Walsh acknowledges that today’s culture presents many challenges to religious practice. He believes that the Church needs to provide positive experiences and support for young adults, including through parish service projects and young adult ministries. He adds that sometimes young people may do a service project while still away from the faith.

🌟 Hope and Trust in God’s Mercy Fr. Walks encourages you to trust in God’s mercy and remain joyful in your own faith journey. God’s understanding and love extend to all, and our prayers and consistent witness can be powerful tools in bringing loved ones back to the Church.

Remember, God’s grace is always at work, even in the most challenging times. 🙏✨ You can find solace in knowing you are not alone in this journey. 🌟

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.