The Patrick Madrid Show: May 07, 2024 – Hour 3

Patrick explores the rich nuances of Eucharistic prayer, the significance of prayers for those in purgatory, and answers engaging listener questions about the roles of deacons and the concept of forgiveness and purification in Christianity. Patrick also hears an inspiring testimony from a listener touched by grace, who now leads a life dedicated to charity. Join Patrick for these insightful conversations meant to enlighten and guide through the complexities of religious belief and practice.


  • Sue – My sister joined the Messianic Jews and is telling me that Constantine set the date for Christmas. Is that true? (01:06)
  • Nora – Jesus told Saint Faustina to ask anything of the Father and He will grant it to you. If I ask for the conversion of someone, do I have assurance that it will happen? (05:15)
  • Annette – What does it mean when the priest pointed his index finger and middle finger at my eyes before giving me the Eucharist.
  • Anna – I accepted a job but it wasn’t right for me so I quit, and now am feeling down. Are there any bible verses that can help me through this time? (21:11)
  • Charlynne – During the intersessions, what is the difference between “those who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection” and others who are mentioned who are dead? (28:33)
  • Mary – Can you clarify why deacons can bless holy items like priests can? (32:15)
  • Nancy – Many Protestants don’t believe in Purgatory. Where in the protestant bible does it talk about getting purified? (38:33)
  • Myritis – I am a convert to the Catholic Faith. When I was 15-years-old, I was praying for Catholics to be saved, but when I was 19 I came into the Catholic Church through Mary. The Catholic Church is the true Church.
  • Keith – If someone commits adultery and goes to confession, does that mean the sin is completely forgiven? (45:05)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.