The Patrick Madrid Show: May 29, 2024 – Hour 2

Forgiveness is a profound aspect of the faith journey. In this hour, Patrick explores whether forgiveness can be attained outside the confessional. The answer is yes, through genuine repentance out of love for God. However, for Catholics, confession remains essential. Jesus calls everyone to forgive others unconditionally, just as He forgives. It’s a powerful reminder to embrace grace, mercy, and love in daily life.


  • Denise (email) – I missed Mass while on a cruise and a priest told me he couldn’t forgive my sin and that I couldn’t receive communion. (01:02)
  • Suzie – An older couple is having marriage problems because the man wants sex a lot but the woman doesn’t. What can they do? (08:58)
  • Alex – I go to AA and there is a lot of talk about spirituality and there are some people who talk bad about the Catholic Church. How can I understand the harshness towards the Church? (18:25)
  • Mary Ann – Parents struggling with marital issues: If the husband just wants to lust after his wife, I don’t think it is right for them to engage (34:13)
  • Joshua – What do you think about the Pope’s latest comments on homosexuals not being priests? (39:44)
  • Rick – Is there forgiveness of sin outside of the confessional? (45:47)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.