This week on “The Saints”: Joan of Arc

Back for an encore, “The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage” features the story of Joan of Arc!

Joan was born in 1412 in the small French village of Domrémy. She had four siblings – one sister and three brothers – and lived during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France. The difficulty of life in a war taught Joan to rely on God from a young age. It was in this steadfast faith and provincial life that God came to meet Joan. She was visited by St. Michael, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine, who revealed her mission: she was to save France from the English!

She had no small task before her, and the first obstacle was getting someone to listen to her divine calling. After some initial disbelief from garrison commander and nobleman Robert de Beaudricourt, he accepted her story. But that was not the end: next, she was to meet with the Dauphin (heir to the throne) to gain his permission. Dauphin Charles was also doubtful and decided to trick Joan by switching places with one of his courtiers. When she saw straight through the deceit and picked him out of the crowd of spectators, Charles also came to believe her: God was fighting for the French through a young, passionate teenage girl.

Joan’s profound faith and unyielding courage inspired her men in arms to prepare themselves for the coming siege spiritually and physically. They sought out the Sacraments at her encouragement. That way, even if they fell in battle, they would still see victory in Christ with pure hearts and souls. Her leadership and courage, even when she was injured, turned the Siege of Orléans into a decisive victory for the French military.

Listen to the incredible story of Joan of Arc, re-released on Monday, May 27th, at St. Joan of Arc, pray for us!

Colleen Schena serves as a Writer for Relevant Radio and occasionally co-hosts the weekend broadcast of the Family Rosary Across America. You can read more of her work any time on and the free Relevant Radio mobile app.