Uniting our Personal Prayer to the Mass – May 22, 2024

Fr. Brian O’Brien joins Patrick for a conversation about Preparing for Mass & Uniting Our Personal Prayer to the Mass 

  • (4:00) – Why are we tempted to not prepare for Mass and What are the benefits of preparing yourself for Mass?
  • (9:08) How do Clergy prepare themselves for Mass and how can people in the congregation offer intentions at Mass?
  • (23:00) – Importance of silence in Mass
  • Joe – I prep in the car on the way there and try to meditate in the pew before mass begins.
  • (25:09) – Kids should be brought to Mass.
  • Email from Beth – Family starts with a prayer as they drive to Mass and talk about the readings beforehand.
  • Jan – I watch Bishop Barron and pre-read the readings.
  • Email from Mary – I like to prepare in various ways to for the Mass, particularly with wearing themed clothing to match the liturgical calendar.
  • (32:59) – What should we do after Mass?
  • Deacon Martin – Taught that every Friday is Good Friday, and every Sunday is Easter Sunday so prep can start on Monday, so we don’t have to cram it in 30m before Mass.
  • (40:02) – the importance of confession before Mass and how do you address the argument that Mass is boring?
  • Jason – How I prep for mass with young family.
  • Cathleen – Priests in Baltimore always said prayer to HS before homily.
  • (49:38) – Where to find the readings for Sunday Mass?

Original Air Date: May 31, 2023

Patrick Conley was born, raised, and baptized in Wisconsin in a Protestant tradition. After meeting his wife, Kendra, through an Evangelical ministry at the University of Minnesota, they entered the Catholic Church in 2010. They listened to Relevant Radio, specifically The Inner Life, while preparing to enter the Church. Conley now holds a degree in theology from Oxford University and has served the Church in both academic theology and grassroots pastoral ministry. Conley teaches religion classes in a Catholic elementary school, serves as his parish Director of Religious Education, and is in formation for the permanent diaconate. He also hosts Practicing Catholic on Relevant Radio, exclusive to the Minneapolis area’s airwaves, and is a traveling presenter for the Catherine of Siena Institute apostolate. He lives in rural Wisconsin with his wife and their bulldogs, Georgie and Bingley.